Discover what Stamford has to offer!
Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00
Established in 1532, Stamford School has a prestigious heritage, but everything we do is focused on preparing young people to lead happy and fulfilling lives in the 21st century. Academically, our focus is on thinking and communicating creatively, and collaborating with others to solve complex problems. Teamwork is at the heart of all we do, encouraging students to bring out the best in others and allowing every single student to thrive in our kind, inclusive and welcoming community.
In our modern teaching spaces, our students learn in an environment designed to develop and further their intellectual curiosity, as well as their practical and social development.
We want our students to be determined, hard-working and eager to get involved with everything we offer. We enable them to grasp each and every opportunity, and to be the very best they can be both in and out of the classroom.
Within a sound framework of pastoral care and continuous development, Stamfordians are filled with the skills and confidence to face the future as rounded and grounded young adults.
Team is about building the right team around each student. Everyone has their own unique team around them at Stamford. This is not just teachers and the pastoral team, but a variety of the right people in our support staff, as well as buddies, mentors and friendship groups. That support network is different for every single student, and we put a lot of time and effort into making sure we get it right. It is also about parents who are very much part of the Stamford team.
When we talk about Fire, we believe it is our aim to ignite the fire that is already within us and our students. Our job at Stamford is to fire up our Stamfordians about the world around them. We believe that our role is to inspire aspiration - or ignite a fire - to encourage students to look beyond their current circumstances and push themselves to be the best possible version of themselves.
Spirit is our way of saying that we really value individuality, character, and personality. Stamfordians are unique, with a unique spirit which purveys every part of the school. Stamfordian spirit can be found in everyday life at Stamford, in friendships, teamwork, on the sports pitch or in the exam hall. Stamford School is built on team spirit and camaraderie with mutual understanding and respect for each other, our differences and the fact that everyone is different.
Read what the Good Schools Guide says about Stamford