Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring!

Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Friday 2 May, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00

Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30


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"We pride ourselves in ensuring your child feels safe, happy and can thrive."

Claire Hughes
Deputy Head Pastoral

Our Approach

At Stamford, we take a child-centred, holistic approach to nurturing your child and helping them flourish.

Our team encourage an open environment where children talk about themselves and engage with staff frequently.

Your child will always have someone to talk to and they will know our number one priority is to ensure our children stay happy and healthy.

We care

From boarding to bullying, our pastoral team is there for you and your child's support.

Our Deputy Head Pastoral - Claire Hughes - works closely with class teachers and the staff in St Michael’s Boarding House to oversee the emotional welfare of the children throughout their time at the school.


Understandably, friendship ‘wobbles’ do occur We encourage your child to discuss any concerns with their class teacher, who will always listen.

Settling In

Whilst most children bounce into school from day one and make friends quickly, with other children it takes a little longer and they may need support from you as parents and from staff in school.

We want your child to settle quickly and make new friends. New students will be allocated a couple of children from their class in the first few days to help them settle in and show them round.

They may experience falling out with friends and we recognise this can be tricky for all children to manage. We have adopted the 'Girls on Board' approach to navigate girls, especially, through turbulent friendship issues and empower them to use the strategies taught to resolve their conflicts with school support.

Pastoral Care

Pastoral care at Stamford sits at the heart of everything we do for your child.

We know it's really important for our children to stay happy and healthy. At Stamford there are lots of people our children can talk to: friends, teachers, the School Nurse, or any adult who works at the school if they need someone else to speak to.

Health and Wellbeing

We have a strong focus on health and wellbeing across all our Schools.

We see the support of our young people’s physical and mental health as an essential element to their success.


Our confidentiality policy enables students to trust in our supporting teams.

Health and wellbeing advice and emotional support are available to students and families via the pastoral team, boarding staff, Heads of Year, tutors, student managers, Chaplain and the health and wellbeing team.

Where there is considered a risk of harm, information is shared appropriately, keeping safeguarding at the forefront of our approach.


"All staff at Stamford have a responsibility to provide a safe environment in which children can learn.

All our staff are aware of indicators of abuse and neglect. They are able to identify cases of children who may be in need of help or protection and can inform the right people who can take action."

Anna Kennedy
Assistant Head Pastoral (Safeguarding & Clinical Services)

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)

Anna Kennedy – Stamford School & Sixth Form
Emergency DSL Mob: 07519328689

Claire Hughes – Stamford Junior School
Designated Safeguarding Governor Dr Emelia Wawrzkowicz

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL)

Stamford Junior School

Sarah Buttress – Deputy Head Academic
Claire Stratford – Special Education Needs Coordinator

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL)

Stamford School

Katie Dexter – Deputy Head Pastoral
Alex Colley – Assistant Head Pastoral

Stamford Sixth Form

Chris Hawkins – Head of Sixth Form
Leigh Ware – Deputy Head of Sixth Form

Concerns & Parent Support

We have recently introduced the MyVoice reporting system, which provides a secure and anonymous platform for reporting concerns and can be used by both students and parents.

Food and Nutrition

Fresh All Round

All our meals use fresh ingredients, freshly cooked daily on-site.

We use a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fresh fruit and vegetables, and the inclusion of oily fish to ensure a well-rounded diet. Our menus are based on a 3-week cycle to ensure a good variety of meal choices.

We want to ensure our menus are age-appropriate and offer the right food, at the right time, in the right way to our pupils, in order to enhance their ability to learn.

Holroyd Howe

Stamford School partners with Holroyd Howe to deliver high quality food.

As a school, we recognise that the expectation of food standards has developed considerably over the last few years and working with Holroyd Howe will allow us to keep ahead of food trends. As a school we need to be on the front foot of menu development and the nutritional requirements. We feel a specialised catering partner can enhance our knowledge and development.

Click here for the Parents' Booklet

Click here for the latest menu


Chaplaincy, Faith and Heritage

Our values reflect the faith upon which the Stamford Endowed Schools were founded. We are a Christian foundation and as such welcome students of all faiths and none.

When the School is open, the Chapel is available for any student, member of staff or parent to use. There are regular services on Sundays and most days during the week, and we celebrate the important festivals and occasions, including Advent, Christmas, Remembrance and Commemoration.

The School Chapel is located at the centre of the St Paul’s site and has had an interesting history as one of the oldest buildings at the school.

School House System

Stamford School Houses

When you join our School you will be put into a House.

These are large teams which have fun by competing against each other in lots of different competitions, including sport, music and more! Our Houses are;

Yellow House


We are named after Catherine of Aragon. Aragon has Leo the lion as our mascot - as there is a lion on Catherine of Aragon's coat of arms. We love competitions and work very well together as a team.

Green House


We are named after Lady Maria de Salinas Willoughby of Grimsthorpe, who was a Spanish lady-in waiting to Catherine of Aragon. Our mascot is the Green Dragon 'Grimmy', named after Grimsthorpe. Our motto is 'Great Grimsthorpe goes for gold'.

Red House


We are named after Lord Rockingham of Rockingham Castle, Charles Watson Wentworth, 2nd Marquess of Rockingham. Our mascot is 'Rocky' the Red Kite.

Blue House


We are named after Lord Burghley of Burghley House, Stamford, otherwise known as William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley and chief advisor of Queen Elizabeth I. We have a dolphin as our mascot.

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Enquiry Form

Contact us and let us answer any questions you might have


Find out more about our Junior School curriculum