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Junior School Discovery Morning

Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00


Read our Legacy Booklet

This provides information on the importance of a gift in your Will and the transformative power of philanthropy in building a bright future together.

"I chose to leave a gift to Stamford as I know this will help to transform and enhance the opportunities for students now and in the future."

We appreciate that, for many, the ability to make donations during their lifetime is limited and, after providing for your family and friends, leaving a gift in your Will is a simple way of making a contribution without compromising current needs. A specific sum is not required; we would simply like to know if you are planning on pledging us a gift.

As we are a registered charity, there are also significant benefits to leaving a gift in your Will as it can help reduce the total tax liability for your family and overall estate. All legacies are free from capital gains and inheritance taxes, which makes them even more valuable for our pupils as no tax will be removed from the total value of your legacy.

Contact us at or at 01780 750032 to discuss how you can leave a legacy gift to the Schools.

Legacies are a vital source of support for Stamford School and assist in securing the future of young people and their education experiences with us. A legacy gift, regardless of its size, can significantly impact the lives of numerous students.

We are excited to announce our collaboration with will-writing specialists 'Farewill' as we enter the New Year.

This service is complimentary, straightforward, and can be completed from the comfort of your home in approximately 30 minutes. Please click the link below to take advantage of this opportunity and remain a valued part of Stamford's legacy.

Stamford School is a member of The Institute of Legacy Management.

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