Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring!

Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Friday 2 May, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00

Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30


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Senior School 11-16yrs


A dynamic, vibrant, modern and exciting school,
built on the strengths of five centuries of learning.

Enquire or Apply Today

Stamford strives to offer an outstanding, contemporary education in which students develop the ability to think for themselves and to interpret the world around them.

At Stamford School, our team will help, guide, and support your child to be the best possible version of themselves. We have a proven track record of producing rounded and grounded students who are all part of the Stamford story. Stamfordians leave us with the skills and confidence to face the future as independent young adults.

At the heart of Stamford School is our unwavering dedication to academic excellence in a caring environment. We aim to provide a stimulating and challenging curriculum that inspires intellectual curiosity and encourages a love of learning. We also believe that a student’s emotional wellbeing is paramount to their overall success. Our pastoral care system is embedded in our daily school life, ensuring that every student feels valued, supported, and understood. We foster strong relationships between students, teachers, and parents, promoting open communication and a sense of belonging within our school community. Beyond the classroom our co-curricular activities build inclusivity, community, and teamwork. At Stamford, we believe that our co-curricular offering is an essential part of a child’s schooling with us and as we strive to create as many opportunities as possible for them to extend their learning and passions.

Our Campus & Map

Stamford Senior School is based at our St Paul's site.

Located in the town centre, and containing the oldest part of Stamford School, the Chapel, St Paul's contains a swimming pool, rugby, netball and hockey pitches and tennis courts, as well as state-of-the-art teaching facilities.

View the admissions process and key dates here

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Learn more about life at Stamford School in our prospectus.

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