Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring!
Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Friday 2 May, 09:45 – 11:30
Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00
Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30
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The aim of the Stamford Podcast is to help keep families involved and updated with news and events from around the school in audio format.
Please find all previous editions below if you have missed one. Enjoy!
U11 Gymnastics
SJS Careers Fayre
Public Speaking Union National Finalists
Mark Steed's assembly to Year 12
French Exchange Trip
Ed Flint (OS 99) speaking at SJS
U11A Gymnastic Regional Champions
English Speaking Union Debating Team
House Fashion Show 2025
Grandparents' Tea at SJS
Academic Scholars visiting Oxford
Captain Henrik Loy at our latest Stamford Lecture
Braving the cold in Estonia...
...while enjoying the sun in Portugal!
Sam Williams (OS 23) who has been selected for the England U20 Six Nations squad.
Year 6 Annabelle with her Christmas card design
Our Christmas Card for 2024, celebrating 50 years of Stamford Junior School
SJS Christmas Fair
Boarder's Formal
SJS Nativity
County Champions!
The Head Boy and Girl before the Legacy Diner with Old Stamfordians
In the crowd at Charity Rock
Year 12 Geography trip to Sicily
Girls' hockey team in Scotland
Boys' hockey team in Holland
Mr Steed enjoys lunch at the Junior School
A family enjoys a tour at the SJS Open Morning
Adrian Portlock, Stamford's new CFOO
Wothorpe Sports Centre
Our Sixth Form dining hall
Welcoming families to Stamford at last year's Open Day
Celebrating 50 years of Stamford Junior School
Josh Hull bowling for Leicestershire CCC
Bruce getting ready to compete