Find out what Stamford has to offer at our Open Days this Autumn!

Senior School Open Day:
Saturday 28 September 2024

Sixth Form Open Day:
Saturday 28 September 2024

Junior and Preschool Open Morning:
Saturday 5 October 2024

The Stamford Sixth Form program offers 28 different subjects at A Level and 3 BTEC courses plus 1 Cambridge Technicals course.

This means students can choose the subjects they love, as well as ensuring they are equipped with the knowledge and qualifications needed to enter further education or the workplace in the future.

Around 90% of our Sixth Form who apply to UCAS go on to university, including Oxford, Cambridge, and Russell Group universities. Whether students are interested in a career, degree apprenticeships, further education, travel, gap years or volunteering, our priority is to work with students to help them understand the right options available.

Our curriculum is designed to offer a broad selection of subjects, allowing students to pursue their passions and interests while achieving academic excellence. The ambition is to foster a learning environment that supports high achievement, critical thinking, and independent research skills, exemplified by opportunities such as the Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).

Course Options


More details about what options to choose and how

Subject Breakdown


Art students in the past have completed degrees in areas such as Architecture (taking Art A Level combined with Mathematics and/or Physics), Industrial Design (Art and DT), Film Studies, Fashion, Graphic Design, Fashion and Business or History of Art. A popular route is to take an Art Foundation course, leading to a place on a degree course in areas such as Fine Art, Graphic Design, Animation, Textiles, Architecture, Interior and Exhibition Design. We offer an ability to develop and explore your personal creative potential under the guidance and support of subject specialists.

Classical Civilisation

The insights of classical literature have shaped western thought for the last two thousand years. Classics invites us to apply a critical eye to the values of the Greeks and Romans and thus, ultimately, ourselves.


The course offers an equal balance of language work and reading original Latin literature. We study the famous speeches of Cicero or Tacitus’ histories on the reign of Nero, and in verse we read the powerful and moving poetry of Virgil’s Aeneid and the intriguing works of Ovid’s poetry.

Computer Science

Computer Science is the backbone of our rapidly evolving digital age, shaping the way we interact with technology and solving complex problems that drive innovation. In an era where computers and software are integral to virtually every aspect of our lives, understanding the fundamentals of Computer Science is essential. This course offers a gateway into this field, providing an opportunity to explore the inner workings of computers, algorithms, and programming languages. Explore a world of logic, code, and problem-solving, and unlock the potential of Computer Science to drive change, innovation, and progress in our increasingly digital society.

Digital Media (Cambridge Technicals Level 3)

Media dominates the 21st century and is continually shaping all of our lives. For those of you interested in beginning to understand and analyse the secrets of media, and in beginning to produce media products which exploit people’s fascination and curiosity, Creative Media is for you.

Design Technology
Product Design

A diverse and challenging course, students will complete a wide range of projects which will allow you to develop your knowledge of materials and manufacturing techniques including CAD, CAM, and CAE.

Drama and Theatre

A level Drama and Theatre is designed for students who enjoy reading plays and watching or participating in drama - as performers, directors or designers - and who want to develop their skills in these areas. Students will develop their powers of analysis to become an informed critic and will also take part in drama productions, as well as studying plays, playwrights and theatre practitioners.

English Language

This interesting and diverse course prepares students to effectively and objectively analyse how and why the language we consume on a day-to-day basis is used.

Thinking both analytically and creatively, using a range of assessment skills from data collection, investigation, creative writing and presentation, to more formal responses, students will delve into the differing ways in which we communicate across our country, and how we learn to communicate from birth, and will write opinion articles about the way the world functions today.

English Literature

The aim is to foster a lasting love of literature, to develop critical and evaluation skills and to develop empathy and understanding of a wide range of issues presented within the texts.

Studying of a variety of texts, students will complement their analysis of the methods with which a writer has crafted their text, and the subsequent effect this has on the reader, with more in-depth knowledge of the context in which the piece was written. They will also explore the wider historical, social, political and cultural situation within which the text is written and set.

Business (BTEC Level 3 Diploma)

BTEC Business is a life skills course. It will teach you about dealing with and managing people and how to make informed day-to-day and strategic decisions. You will learn about the economy, how it affects buying behaviours and the variety of ways in which firms respond to this. It will also teach you about employment law in the context of an employer and an employee.

Business Studies

Business Studies is the study of business and how it operates within its environment. At A Level this means looking at the various business functions, including marketing, finance, operations management (production) and people (personnel). Students investigate the key functions of business and learn to appreciate the importance of the competitive and economic environment in which it operates.


Economics is concerned with all of society and the activities of various groups and institutions within it. At the centre of the subject is the question of how we divide up our scarce resources, and how decisions resulting from this affect us all – in other words, who gets what and why?


Geography is the study of the earth’s landscapes, people, places and environments. It is, quite simply, about the world in which we live. Our subject is unique in bridging social science (human geography) with a natural science (physical geography). This allows understanding of social and physical processes within the context of places and regions - recognising the great differences in cultures, political systems, economies, landscapes and environments across the world, and the links between them. Understanding the causes of differences and inequalities between places and social groups underpins many of the newer developments in human geography.


The History A Level course has been designed to help students understand the significance of historical events, the role of individuals in history and the nature of change over time. This course will help them gain a deeper understanding of the past through political, social, economic and cultural perspectives. Outside class, our students are regularly invited to attend local evening lectures given by respected historians.

Philosophy and Ethics

There are three areas of study: philosophy of religion, developments in Christian thought, and religious ethics. The focus on human nature makes it relevant and means everybody has a contribution to make to lively discussions.


The major themes of the course involve the central ideas of citizenship, democracy and participation, examined through the study of political parties, pressure groups and elections.


Psychology is the scientific study of mind, behaviour, and experience. It aims to offer academic explanations and insight into the behaviour and mental processes that are part of our everyday experiences. The course offers a balance of exciting theory and contemporary psychology in action.

Modern Foreign Languages

Four skill areas are tested in the course: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Students learn translation in and out of their own language and the skill of summarising a spoken and written text in French. They complete an “Independent Research Project” on a topic of their choice rooted in a francophone country and present this as part of their speaking exam. They study both a book and film and become proficient in writing about these works in French.


The A Level approach centres on the ongoing social and cultural evolution of German-speaking society. We critically examine the role of the past, especially the reunification and its aftermath, in shaping the present. Additionally, our focus shifts towards the younger generation
and their role in shaping the future of German-speaking nations. The A Level approach centres on the ongoing social and cultural evolution of German-speaking society. In the first year of study, we delve into the social backdrop and explore facets of artistic expression within German-speaking regions. The course empowers students to employ language fluently and naturally; articulate viewpoints and construct compelling arguments; read and respond to diverse texts; condense information from both spoken and written sources; translate unseen passages from German to English and vice versa.


Within A Level Russian the course covers: the lives of young Russians; the development of society; free time; new technology; health; Russian media; music; dance; the circus; festivals and traditions; education; work; equal opportunities; life and changes in Moscow; the break-up of the USSR; perestroika; glasnost; Mikhail Gorbachev; the 2014 film “Leviathan” by Andrei Zvyagintsev; The Cherry Orchard, a play by Anton Chekhov. Four skill areas are tested: reading, listening, writing and speaking. Students learn the useful skill of translating in and out of their own language. They complete research on an aspect of a Russian-speaking country and present this as part of their orally assessed “Independent Research Project.” They learn to read a play in the target language and to analyse a film, and are able to write about these works in Russian.


The Spanish A Level covers a number of topics, including changes in family life; attitudes to marriage and divorce and the influence of the Catholic Church; The influence, benefits, and dangers of the internet; modern day idols; Spanish regional identity, traditions and customs, gastronomy and languages; cultural heritage including tourist sites, art, architecture and musical heritage; equal rights; women in the workplace; sexism and feminism; LGBTQ+ rights; monarchies and dictatorships in the Spanish-speaking world; young people and their attitudes to politics, demonstrations and social protests, as well as immigration, racism and integration.


Mathematics is a valid choice for those who wish to study mathematics for its own sake, and for those who will find it valuable as an aid to the understanding of other subjects that they are taking in the Sixth Form. Those who are intending to study Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geography or Economics should remember that these subjects may make use of mathematics.

Further Mathematics

Further Mathematics is a demanding A Level, but those who find mathematics exciting and enjoyable, and who have shown a talent for the subject, should consider it. To succeed at this level you really need to enjoy a challenge.


The course is very well suited to musicians who have specific strengths, be these performing, composing, or academic study (listening). The subject is broad enough to appeal to musicians from all music disciplines - classical, jazz, rock, folk etc.

Music Technology

The course is very well suited to musicians who have specific strengths in the use of music technology. The subject is broad enough to appeal to a wide range of musicians interested in all kinds of popular music and the development of technology.

Applied Science (BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate)

Designed to prepare students for careers in various scientific fields, this course is intended as an Applied General Science qualification for post-16 learners who want to continue their education through applied learning and who aim to progress to higher education and ultimately to employment. The qualification is equivalent in size to one A Level and aims to give a coherent introduction to study of applied science.


Many students find Biology a rewarding and stimulating choice. The subject covers 8 topics over the 2 years; there is no coursework, but practical skills are assessed.


The OCR Chemistry A Level is divided into topics, each covering different key concepts of chemistry. Teaching of practical skills is integrated with the theoretical topics and they are assessed both through written papers and the Practical Endorsement.


Physics is at the heart of everything and is a highly rewarding discipline to study at school. Physics is a basic element in our understanding of the world and the foundation of our technology. It has influenced the whole of our culture, contributing important ideas to many non-scientific academic disciplines.

Physical Education

The focus of the course is participation and performance in physical activity as part of a balanced, active and healthy lifestyle. The aims of the course are to enable students to increase their physical competence, develop their involvement and effectiveness in physical activity and enable them to become informed and discerning decision-makers.

Three key factors (physiological, psychological and socio-cultural) are studied throughout the course, enabling students to gain an understanding and appreciation of how each factor impacts upon participation and performance in physical activity.

Sport (BTEC Level 3 Diploma)

The course has been developed in order to provide a solid foundation within sports science and coaching, enabling the development of essential study skills.

Students will have the opportunity to acquire the Community Sports Leaders Award, Higher Sports Leaders Award (which receives UCAS points), a First Aid qualification, and coaching/ officiating qualifications. They will also gain valuable teaching experience.

Extra Study Options
Extended Project Qualifications

This is an independent piece of research that is marked to A Level standard.

The EPQ (Extended Project Qualification) consists of a project that involves about 120 learning hours, of which 90 hours are carried out independently by the student and 30 hours of taught skills are delivered separately.

Students have a free choice of project topic, so they can choose to explore a further aspect in a subject you are already studying, or another subject, or choose a topic in which they have a personal interest.

However, you cannot submit a project that is part of your A Level work or has already been submitted for another exam. The proposed project should not be one that has been taught in depth but has only been discussed briefly in class.

  • ‘Should mercury amalgam fillings continue to be used in British dentistry?’
  • ‘Constructing a chair from recycled materials sourced from a working yard'.
  • ’Through diversification, are Scottish estates sustainable in the 21st century?’
  • ‘Feisty or feeble? The construction and performance of female identity in Shakespeare’s plays.'
Support with Learning

For those who require further support, our Learning Development Team are:

Director of Learning Development (SENCo)

Sue Brahmachari

Deputy SENCo

Alex Faux

LDT Administrative Assistant

Sue Morris

SLT Link for LDT

Andrew Crookell

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