Our Ethos

Embracing the individual to create a place for all 

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Laying foundations and fostering interests lies at the heart of our outstanding school. We encourage and embrace the individual; truly a place for all

Academically, Stamford will help you thrive, nurturing and supporting you so that you can achieve your full potential in our vibrant co-educational community.

Stellar teaching staff and small class numbers, combined with innovative technology, all contribute to the high-quality learning experience that allows each and every one of our students to flourish.

We inspire self-confidence, allowing you to flourish, embraced by our supportive community, we invite you to come and join our exemplary Sixth Form. 

Our Aim

Our aim is that every student;

  • takes the lead in their own education
  • develops the ability to be aspirational and think for themselves
  • embraces innovation
  • becomes rounded and grounded, ready for their future
  • finds fulfilment through their friendships, families and relationships
  • is respectful and inclusive
  • is bold and resilient, ready to take their next steps in the world
Academic Ethos

We offer 28 different subjects at A Level, as well as 3 BTECs in Applied Science, Sport and Business and 1 Cambridge Technicals course in Digital Media.

This variety means you can choose the subjects you love and that will best equip you with the knowledge and qualifications you need for a happy future. You will have access to a highly professional and supportive careers programme, which will give guidance to match your skills and interests to your options.

Freedom to Learn

You will have the support you need to take responsibility for your own studies. 

You will have the freedom to drive your own learning, to manage your own free time, and to establish your own balance of studies, activities, socialising and relaxing.

Outside lessons, you will have the choice to study in the café culture of Stamford, spending time in our spaces or making the most of the focus and inspiration afforded by our study spaces.

Looking Beyond

Our teachers understand that you are a young adult, and no longer a child.

You will have all the support you need to take your next steps, but you will have the independence to make your own choices. We respect your views and opinions, and will help you to find the right track as you navigate the challenges that life will throw at you.

Extended Studies

At Stamford, our additional A Level, AS and BTEC courses give you more flexibility over what and how you learn.

Sixth Form is about far more than just achieving the qualifications that unlock your next steps in life. Complete an Extended Project Qualification in a topic of your choosing, or take part in the Community Sports Leader Award.

“Intellectual curiosity is strongly promoted and pupils show great perseverance in solving problems and responding to challenges, encouraged by an environment where individual success and enterprise are fostered and celebrated.” 

ISI Inspectors, 2017

“Much success is achieved in national academic competitions in subject areas ranging from science and mathematics to the arts and design and technology. Pupils achieve excellent results in debating, subject Olympiads, Arkwright Scholarships and national essay competitions.” 

ISI Inspectors, 2017

“Pupils form a community which cares about wellbeing and safety for all. The school’s excellent pastoral care system sets the tone and encourages and enables pupils to speak up if they or their counterparts need support or guidance.” 

ISI Inspectors, 2017

Learning Development

Part of our tailored and personal offering at Stamford is to help all students achieve academic success.

We recognise that students may need additional academic support and guidance in their learning, regardless of whether they have a related diagnosis or not. The aim of our Learning Development team is to help boost self-esteem and build academic competence so that students can become confident, independent learners able to achieve their full potential.

Our Learning Development team has a wealth of experience, and the team includes a lead SENCO (Specialist Teacher) and a Deputy SENCO, as well as a number of Learning Development Assistants who work with students throughout the school. This means we can closely tailor the support we offer to the requirements of our students and provide various levels of support according to need. This may include Learning Development Assistant’s delivering ‘live time’ support in lessons, students attending weekly small group literacy, numeracy or study skills interventions, or students having a slightly reduced timetable with Learning Development lessons becoming part of their curriculum.

We have an open-door policy, so all students are welcome to drop in if they have any concerns about their progress or attainment.

We also collaborate closely with subject teachers and academic departments to identify students who may benefit from support with their studies. We would also encourage parents to get in touch with the SENCO or Deputy SENCO if they have any concerns about their child’s learning needs.

We believe that building resilience is the pathway to academic success for students who face challenges with learning, so we focus on promoting self-esteem as well as developing academic competency when working with individuals or small groups. Students are encouraged to focus their attention on the effort and progress they are making in the knowledge that these key ingredients determine successful outcomes.

Enthusiasm and brave experimentation are at the heart of what we do.
Support and Pastoral Care

We believe you learn best when you’re happy and confident.

Our excellent tutor system and pastoral care programme understands the challenges you face. We can provide sensible, practical and relevant help and support.

Navigating friendships and relationships, learning the life skills and the communication techniques that will stand you in good stead for the rest of your life and underpin your wellbeing, will be part of your daily learning.

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