Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring!

Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Friday 2 May, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00

Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30


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An exceptional education has the power to transform lives.


Currently, we provide more than £2m of bursary support to students.

At Stamford we are proud of maintaining the wide socio-economic background of our students.

Life-changing bursaries are available for talented students who otherwise would not be able to afford the fees to attend our School, giving them the opportunity to benefit from a Stamford education.

Each year we offer support to families of the brightest students whose financial resources are limited.

Financial assistance is based on means-testing the household income and assets using a standard formula widely used within the independent schools sector.

Assistance with fees is available for students joining our Senior School in Years 7 to 13 and is means-tested, therefore the process will involve a home visit.

The vast majority of our bursaries are awarded to children joining us at the key entry points of Year 7 and Year 12. Other years of entry are considered by exception only.

Bursary applications should be submitted at the same time as you apply for a place.

All bursaries are reviewed annually, and the student’s suitability will be considered through an academic assessment as well as reviewing previous school results and the child’s school report.

How To Apply

You should submit your Bursary application at the same time as you apply for a place, prior to the entrance examination.

Your Registrar will send you a link to our secure online application portal.

Once you have registered for the portal, you will need to complete an online form and upload copies of any financial documents. Bursary applications submitted after receipt of a place offer may not be considered.

Deadlines and decisions vary depending on year group - your Registrar will advise you of these. Please note that bursaries are not offered to students living overseas, unless in exceptional circumstances.

Hardship Fund

Our Hardship Fund is a short-term financial assistance

Stamford School has limited bursary funds for families who experience a sudden, unexpected change in their financial circumstances. This is subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed.

If you need support in these circumstances, please get in touch with our Bursary and we can discuss.

Nursery and Junior School

2 - 11 Years

Senior School

11 - 16 Years

Sixth Form

16 - 18 Years