Stamford Sixth Form is pleased to offer the Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Agriculture.
The health and wellbeing of all of our students is paramount to our daily lives at our school; we know that happy and healthy students are more likely to thrive and achieve their full potential. Our aim for your child whilst they are at Stamford is to unlock their potential to be the best version of themselves; and for that to happen they need an excellent pastoral provision.
By having different support teams, we offer your child a different point of contact for any concerns they may have
As a School we are caring, friendly and know that happy, cared-for children are most likely to thrive.
Form Tutors develop good relationships with each member of their set and are quickly able to identify problems. Our pastoral team works together to provide a happy and fulfilling environment for our students.
By having these different support teams, we can offer your child a different point of contact for any concerns, issues or worries they may have.
We treat every child as an individual, ensuring they leave us as rounded and grounded young adults ready for the next stage in their lives. We aim to build resilience in your children to enable them to have strong wellbeing. We work with parents, tutors, teachers, boarding staff and our wider school community to give our students the tools they need in life to cope with the challenges life can throw at us.
All our staff are aware of indicators of abuse and neglect. They are able to identify cases of children who may be in need of help or protection and can inform the right people who can take action."
Anna Kennedy
Assistant Head Pastoral (Safeguarding & Clinical Services)
Anna Kennedy – Stamford School & Sixth Form
Emergency DSL Mob: 07519328689
Claire Hughes – Stamford Junior School
Designated Safeguarding Governor – Dr Emelia Wawrzkowicz
Stamford Sixth Form
Chris Hawkins – Head of Sixth Form
Leigh Ware – Deputy Head of Sixth Form
Stamford Junior School
Sarah Buttress – Deputy Head Academic
Claire Stratford – Special Education Needs Coordinator
Stamford School
Katie Dexter – Deputy Head Pastoral
Alex Colley – Assistant Head Pastoral
We see the support of our young people’s physical and mental health as an essential element to their success.
Health and wellbeing advice and emotional support are available to students and families via the pastoral team, boarding staff, Heads of Year, tutors, student managers, Chaplain and the health and wellbeing team.
Where there is considered a risk of harm, information is shared appropriately, keeping safeguarding at the forefront of our approach.
Students can seek support from a member of the pastoral team or sit quietly with friends. A programme of lunchtime activities designed to support wellbeing and resilience is run by a team of Phoenix Prefects who have been trained in providing support by our counsellors and pastoral staff. Sometimes students require a place of sanctuary, so we have plans to introduce more Phoenix Rooms so as many students as necessary can benefit from them.
The Phoenix Rooms are equipped with a range of games and activities that students can engage with to help shift their focus away from things they may be anxious about. These include word games and board games and construction sets of various kinds, as well as tactile objects which can be therapeutic to handle.
As part of the enhancement of our pastoral offering, we plan to extend the provision of the Phoenix Rooms across the School. Our first Phoenix Room was introduced at Stamford High School in September 2021, as part of the wider Phoenix Project, which is a student-led wellbeing and resilience initiative.
We use a balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, fresh fruit and vegetables, and the inclusion of oily fish to ensure a well-rounded diet. Our menus are based on a 3-week cycle to ensure a good variety of meal choices.
The food requirements and preferences for 11 and 12 year olds vary greatly to those of students who are 17 and 18. We want to ensure our menus are age-appropriate and offer the right food, at the right time, in the right way to our pupils in order to enhance their ability to learn.
As a school, we recognise that the expectation of food standards has developed considerably over the last few years and working with Holroyd Howe will allow us to keep ahead of food trends. As a school we need to be on the front foot of menu development and the nutritional requirements. We feel a specialised catering partner can enhance our knowledge and development.
When the School is open, the Chapel is available for any student, member of staff or parent to use. There are regular services on Sundays and most days during the week, and we celebrate the important festivals and occasions, including Advent, Christmas, Remembrance and Commemoration.
The School Chapel is located at the centre of the St Paul’s site and has had an interesting history as one of the oldest buildings at the school.
This provides younger pupils with good role models and creates a sense of responsibility for the senior students as they take on more of a mentor and support role towards the lower years.
Students will stay in the same colour of house, as they move from the junior system to the senior system.
Radcliffe in Years 7 – 9, Eliot in Years 10 – 13
Exeter in Years 7 – 9, Cavell in Years 10 – 13
Beale in Years 7 – 9, Ancaster in Years 10 – 13
Anderson in Years 7 – 9, Brazenose in Years 10 – 13