2022 Inspection Reports

2022 ISI Inspection

Our inspection in November 2022 was a Regulatory Compliance Inspection (RCI) which looks at the school’s policies and practises to ensure they are compliant with regulations set by the Department of Education.

The looked at the quality of education provided; spiritual, moral, social, and cultural development of pupils; welfare, health and safety of pupils; suitability of staff, supply staff and proprietors; premises of and accommodation of schools; provision of information; manner in which complaints are handled; quality of leadership in and management of schools.

Please find all three Schools’ reports below.

Stamford School

The report can be read at the link below. All documents relating to ISI reports for Stamford School can be found here.

Stamford High School

The report can be read at the link below. All documents relating to ISI reports for Stamford High School can be found here.

Stamford Junior School

The report can be read at the link below. All documents relating to ISI reports for Stamford Junior School can be found here.