Old Stamfordian Association

Your life beyond Stamford

Welcome to the Old Stamfordian Association!

Following a unanimous vote at the AGMs of both the Old Stamfordian Club (for those who attend Stamford School) and the Old Girls’ Guild (for those who attended Stamford High School), it was agreed that the two should merge to form the new Old Stamfordian Association.

This unity marks a significant step towards building a more inclusive and representative alumni community whilst respecting and honouring the rich heritage of those before.

Our vision is to

  • promote fellowship and friendship among the Old Stamfordian Association;
  • provide networking and support for all members of the Old Stamfordian Association;
  • enable former students to play a full and supportive part in the alumni community.

Wherever you are in life and the world, we encourage our Old Stamfordians to join this vibrant and supportive alumni community who will champion you throughout your life. We offer lifelong support, guidance, events, advice and news so that you feel connected to the roots you made whilst at Stamford.

The Stamford School’s alumni network is more than just a resource; it’s a source of inspiration, and I am proud to be a part of its onward journey.

So, if you are already involved, please continue and enjoy. If you are not involved, please contact our Alumni Relations Team about how you can reconnect with us. There are worthwhile experiences to be had together with good fun along the way.

Join us as we embark on this new chapter together.

Nicky Lambert (OS 90)

Chair, Old Stamfordian Association






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