Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring!

Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Friday 2 May, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00

Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30


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Stamford Junior & Preschool

To begin applying for a place at Stamford Junior School, we advise you to contact our Registrar, Mrs Tracey, who will be your point of contact for all admission enquiries and will be able to help every step of the way.

01780 484420
Enquiry Form

We will arrange for you to visit the School or Nursery and Preschool with your child(ren), meet with a member of the Junior School leadership team, and organise a tour of our facilities.

To apply for a place for your child(ren), we will require a completed application form and payment of the £150 fee to confirm your application. Mrs Tracey will then talk you through the assessment and interview process at Stamford Junior School.

If your child currently has additional learning requirements, please advise the Registrar ahead of your visit so that we can arrange a meeting with one of our experienced SENDco staff.

We have limited capacity in each year group for children with additional learning requirements and can offer advice and support throughout the application process. You can read more here.

All pupils wishing to enter Stamford Nursery and Preschool or Stamford Junior School are invited to attend a taster session or day in their current year group age or year group. Depending on their point of entry, each child will take part in an observation or assessment.

Nursery and Preschool:

  • Children will take part in observed taster sessions with the Nursery Manager.

Stamford Preschool into SJS:

  • Children will be observed by the reception team whilst in the setting.
  • We will speak with the child's current Nursery, the Stamford Nursery Manager, key worker and/or SENDco where appropriate.

Key Stage 1:


  • Children will read to a teacher and complete a short phonics assessment.

Year 1 and Year 2:

  • Pupils will complete a short phonics assessment, a short writing assessment, and a maths assessment, as well as spend time in class. They will also be asked to read to a teacher.

Key Stage 2:

  • Pupils will complete online, age-appropriate assessments in Maths and English as well as a handwritten writing assessment. They will also be asked to read to a member of staff and will spend time in the classroom.

Access arrangements:

Parents should share any access arrangements already in place at the child's current school before agreeing to SJS's assessment date.

Supporting evidence, such as assessments and diagnosis reports, and the contact details of the SENDCo for their child's current setting, must also be shared before the assessment date at SJS.

Key Admission Dates

Deadline for January Assessments

Friday 13 December 2024

Assessment Days 1 & 2

W/C Monday 13 January 2025

Discovery Morning

Tuesday 25 February 2025
10:00 – 12:00

Deadline for May Assessments

Monday 12 May 2025

Discovery Morning

Tuesday 13 May 2025
10:00 – 12:00

Assessment Days 1 & 2

W/C Monday 19 May 2025


Nursery & Preschool
How do I apply for a place at the Nursery?
What age do you take children from for Nursery?

We take children from two years old.

Is the Nursery open all year round?

Yes, however, we are closed for two weeks at Christmas and the usual bank holidays.

Can I claim the Government funded 15 or 30 hours free childcare for my three year old?

We take children with 15 hours of universal funding.

Are nappies included within Nursery fees?

No. Parents need to provide nappies, included swimming nappies if applicable, wipes and cream.

Are meals included within Nursery fees?

Yes, the fees listed here include lunch.

Does my child need a uniform at Stamford Nursery School?

This is not compulsory, but available from the School Shop if you wish.

What do I need to bring for my childs time at Nursery?

A bag with a change of clothes, a named waterproof coat and wellies.

What are fees for the Nursery & Preschool?
Junior School
When should I start my application to Stamford Junior School?

Anytime but we advise to complete as soon as possible as some year groups fill up.

Can my child join the school mid-year?

Yes we are very flexible.

Do you have a waiting list for places?

If a certain year group is full, the Admissions team will be in touch with you as soon as a space becomes available.

Does my child have to sit an entrance examination to join Stamford Junior School?

Yes we use age appropriate assessments to ensure the children can access the curriculum and to see where they sit in their cohort. We would not set a child up to fail.

My child has Special Educational Needs. What provision do you have?

We have a full time and very experienced SENDCO that works with parents, teachers and pupils and a team of LSA’s that enable support either in or out of the classroom.

Will my childs current school be contacted throughout the application process?

With your agreement yes. We are obliged by the Independent School Body to make independent schools aware of the application once a form has been received.

Are school meals included in the fees?

Yes, the fees listed here include lunch.

My child has severe allergies, can these be catered for?

Yes we request an allergy form to be completed for the catering team and our staff and on site nurses are also made aware.

Do children attend school on a Saturday?

Occasional sporting events will require children to attend on a Saturday.

Is financial assistance available at the Junior School?

No, however, means tested bursarial support can be applied for from Year 7.

What wrap around care is available?

Pre-school and after-school care is available. More information can be found here.

What are the fees?