New for September 2025!

Stamford Sixth Form is pleased to offer the Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Agriculture.

Support & Concerns

Resources for you


We have recently introduced the MyVoice reporting system, which provides a secure and anonymous platform for reporting concerns.

MyVoice can be used by both students and parents using the links below.

MyVoice for Students

MyVoice for Parents

Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL)

Anna Kennedy – Stamford School & Sixth Form
Emergency DSL Mob: 07519328689

Claire Hughes – Stamford Junior School

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL)

Stamford Junior School

Sarah Buttress – Deputy Head Academic
Wendy Suter – Special Education Needs Coordinator

Stamford School

Katie Dexter – Deputy Head Pastoral
Alex Colley
– Assistant Head Pastoral

Stamford Sixth Form

Chris Hawkins – Head of Sixth Form
Leigh Ware – Deputy Head of Sixth Form

Designated Safeguarding Governor – Dr Emelia Wawrzkowicz

Resources For You

We know sometimes outside agencies offer the best advice

We recommend the following sites for further reading, however, we are always available if you want to talk. 

Pastoral Team

If you have a concern about yourself or a pupil and want to speak to our own professional counsellors please do get in touch.


Signposting children to supportive places in times of need.


Improving children's mental health in schools. A place to get advise on counselling and support.