New for September 2025!

Stamford Sixth Form is pleased to offer the Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Agriculture.

Combined Cadet Force

The Combined Cadet Force (CCF) is a thriving co-curricular organisation for pupils attending the Stamford Schools.

Membership of the CCF is voluntary with pupils opting to join at the start of Year 10. Pupils choose the section that most appeals to them, subject to places being available. Cadets parade on Friday afternoons.

In addition to the weekly training, cadets may participate in CCF organised weekend activities, attend service-specific courses and represent the CCF at military competitions.

Cadets are invited to attend a week-long summer camp at the end of the summer term. Senior cadets are also offered the chance to go on specialist courses, during which they can experience the very best CCF military and adventurous training. As part of this, Royal Navy cadets spend time afloat at Rutland Water and RAF cadets can go gliding or flying.

Our CCF Facilities Provision

The CCF has an excellent provision of training resources, including a 25-metre indoor firing range and a high fidelity flight simulator. 

CCF activities also make good use of the Schools’ classrooms, IT and sports facilities.


Contingent training is supported by regular visits from regional cadet training staff from all three services.

Each Section is directed and managed by a dedicated team consisting of Cadet Force Adult Volunteers who have been commissioned into the Cadet Forces. All adults are trained specifically to work with cadets. The Schools also have their own full-time School Staff Instructor.

CCF Sections

The contingent at Stamford has a ‘Section’ from each of the three services: Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force.

Each Section is directed and managed by a dedicated team consisting of Cadet Force Adult Volunteers who have been commissioned into the Cadet Forces. All adults are trained specifically to work with cadets. The Schools also have their own full-time School Staff Instructor. Contingent training is supported by regular visits from regional cadet training staff from all three services.

Our Contingents

In addition to these camps there are huge number of external courses Royal Navy cadets may apply for. 

The Royal Navy Section aims to get cadets afloat as soon as possible and RN cadets can expect to be sailing on Rutland Water within days of joining the CCF!

As cadets progress, they are given the opportunity to complete a Cadet Forces Instructional Techniques (CFIT) course. Successful completion of this course allows cadets to take on greater responsibility in the section and contingent. Senior cadets will be expected to mentor younger cadets and set an example with uniform and standards.


Life in the Army Section is all about instilling the core values of the British Army - Courage, Integrity, Respect, Discipline, Selfless Commitment and Loyalty. 

This is done by developing Cadets through the Army Proficiency Certificate (APC) star levels. All Cadets participate in a structured weekly programme which includes training in – Drill, Map & Compass, Field Craft, Skill at Arms, First Aid and Self-Reliance. This training is then reinforced and developed by attendance on Field Days/Weekends, Annual Camp and for the more senior cadets progression through to the Senior Cadet Instructors Cadre (SCIC) and Cadet Leadership Course (CLC).

Army Section cadets are grouped into platoons and then split into Sections; this allows the cadets to train as a close knit team, fostering a competitive spirit, loyalty for their section members and pride, both in ‘self’ and their fellow cadets.

All Army cadets are encouraged to further their cadet experience by being offered the opportunity to attend a whole range of camps and courses, from Leadership Development to Adventure Training. 

This widens the breadth of experience and gives cadets the chance to access opportunities which are not normally available to other school pupils. For example, firing on military ranges or attending highly subsidised courses at the Cadet Centre for Adventure Training (CCAT).

Royal Air Force

The RAF Section follows the ‘RAF Air Cadets Progressive Syllabus of Training’. 

This is completed in three sections. Cadets join the CCF as Second Class Cadets. Upon successful completion of basic training they are awarded their First Class Cadet badges. First Class Cadets progress to Leading Cadet, Senior Cadet and Master Air Cadet through a combination of online learning training packages and practical training. Advancement to Master Air Cadet takes, on average, three academic years. However. ‘keen’ cadets can finish this training earlier. In addition to the online training all cadets receive practical training on Friday afternoons. 

Subjects include:

  • Drill and Turnout
  • Military Knowledge
  • Weapons Training & Skill at Arms (L98A2 Cadet Rifle, Cadet Small Bore Target Rifle and Scorpion Air Rifle)
  • First Aid
  • Teambuilding & Leadership

At the end of each year cadets have the opportunity to attend a summer camp at a RAF Station.


As cadets progress, they are given the opportunity to complete a Cadet Forces Instructional Techniques (CFIT) course. Successful completion of this course allows cadets to take on greater responsibility in the section and contingent. Senior cadets will be expected to mentor younger cadets.At the end of each year cadets have the opportunity to attend a summer camp at a RAF Station.

Cadets achieving the Master Air Cadet classification will be awarded a Level 2 BTEC in Aviation Studies.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the required commitment from a cadet?
  • CCF sessions take place on Fridays, during term time, from 15:30 to 17:30. We expect cadets to attend every Friday session.
  • Weekend training activities are voluntary and provide the opportunity for cadets to undertake specialist training – such as skill at arms training.
  • A maximum of one field day/weekend per term. These are programmed i to the school timetable and are compulsory.
  • All Army cadets are expected to attend the annual summer camp. Royal Navy and RAF cadets may bid for places on service specific summer camps.
  • All cadets are expected to participate in the annual Stamford Remembrance Parade (closest Sunday to 11th November).
How should a cadet appear in uniform?
  • All cadets wear military uniform and many older cadets are indistinguishable from members of the armed forces when walking through Stamford. We therefore expect all cadets to be smartly dressed and correctly turned out when in uniform.
  • Cadets are expected to iron their uniform and polish their boots before each CCF session.
  • The wearing of jewellery and earrings is to comply with military dress regulations.
  • Cadets are expected to maintain their hair in accordance with military dress regulations (some variation in hair length may be tolerated for on-site activities). However, cadets attending off-site courses at military establishments are to comply with military dress regulations. Inability to comply may result in a cadet being refused permission to attend a course or activity.
  • Cadets who persistently fail to achieve the required standard of dress may be asked to leave the CCF.
What happens if a cadet misses a session/camp?
  • We understand that there will be instances where a cadet cannot attend for a valid reason. In such cases we would appreciate as much written notice as possible to be given. Cadets are registered for CCF training on Fridays and an unauthorised absence may result in disciplinary action.
  • It is important to understand that any absence may mean a cadet misses sections of training which cannot be immediately re-covered. This may delay the awarding of a proficiency badge or promotion.
  • Camps and courses are a highlight of the CCF experience, so cadets are strongly encouraged to attend.
Cadets and Promotion
  • Cadets obtain promotion through training, courses and application. We do not promote cadets based on time served in the CCF - nor do we guarantee that all cadets will get promoted.
  • Senior cadets train junior cadets (overseen by adults), unlike in the cadet forces where the bulk of the instruction is undertaken by adults. When looking to promote cadets we look for cadets who have the potential to teach and lead other cadets. Where potential is seen we strive to develop cadets’ leadership and instructional skills through on- and off-site course.
  • Completing mandatory training or on-line training packages does not guarantee promotion.
How much will CCF cost?
  • There is a one-off joining fee of £40 per cadet to cover equipment costs (this includes boots).
  • The annual subscription for the CCF is £120 per year, this is billed in three termly instalments of £40.
  • On site weekend specialist courses are generally free.
  • Camps and training weekends come with a small fee to cover food and board. This year the fee for a field weekend was around £35. The summer camp generally costs between £90- £120. Adventure training weeks (5 days) cost about £160.
How will CCF affect schoolwork?
  • As a CCF we are careful to plan training so that it has a minimum impact on schoolwork. We look closely at the calendars for both schools so that exam weeks, school trips and the like can be catered for.
  • The CCF is intended to compliment students’ academic studies and as many CCF officers are teachers we are ideally placed to facilitate this.
How will CCF affect a pupil’s other commitments to subjects such as music, drama or sport?
  • CCF is planned to take place on Friday afternoons during Session 9 and after school so as not to clash with any sports squads/fixtures/music/drama activities.
  • Weekend activities are carefully planned so as not to occur on the same day as sporting fixtures. However, some national cadet competitions may clash and we will endeavour to give cadets and sports staff as much notice as possible.
  • We will endeavour to give as much advanced notice of extra dates/events as possible to allow parents time to make the necessary arrangements.
How does Duke of Edinburgh training impact on CCF (and vice-versa)?
  • The Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme (D of E) is run concurrently with the CCF and pupils can participate in both cocurricular activities. Pinch points between the two subjects are minimised and CCF activities are deconflicted with D of E activities.
  • A lot of the training completed as part of the CCF compliments that given for D of E such as first aid and navigation skills.
  • CCF can also contribute to the skills. Senior cadets can use participate in CCF activities to support the volunteering elements of the D of E award. Cadets must obtain permission from both CCF staff and DofE staff to use CCF activities to support their DofE course. Cadets MUST ensure that they keep a written record of ALL CCF activities in order to allow CCF to sign off their DofE.
  • CCF training weekends/camps are planned so that they do not clash with D of E expeditions. We try to avoid, wherever possible, cadets doing D of E expeditions and CCF training weekends back-to-back.
Are they expected to join the military as a career?
  • No. The CCF is not a recruiting tool for the armed forces nor is it a reserve service. Primarily it is a military themed youth organisation which aims to provide cadets with the opportunity to develop leadership skills and qualities such as responsibility and perseverance.
  • There is no commitment to go on to joining further armed forces organisations at university or beyond.
Will my child visit military bases and interact with military personnel?
  • Summer camps and some weekend training will take place on military bases which will be staffed, at least in part, by serving military personnel. However, in such instances training will be overseen by CCF staff and supporting staff provided by the Cadet Training Teams, all of whom are fully DBS/CRB cleared and used to working with cadets. CCF staff retain full responsibility for cadets whilst on military bases and can overrule any activity they deem as unsuitable for cadets.
  • No member of the CCF has any liability to serve in the armed forces.

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