Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring!

Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Friday 2 May, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00

Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30


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It all starts

Stamford Nursery and Preschool is a caring, happy
environment rich in excitement and discovery.

Visit us at our next Discovery Morning!

Welcome to Stamford Nursery and Preschool. We are a small, private setting in the heart of Stamford Junior School offering childcare and early years learning for children aged from 2 to 4 years old.

Stamford Nursery and Preschool is a wonderful setting for little ones to explore and start their educational journey with us.

We have been established for over 25 years, in a purpose-built modern setting, specifically designed for children to play, grow, develop and build independence before starting school. Our purpose-built centre is specifically designed for youngsters to thrive; playing, developing social and communication skills and gaining independence before starting school. Stamford Nursery and Preschool is a natural starting point for those wishing to begin their Stamfordian journey with us.

Our Rooms

Our children are in two classes, Badgers and Preschool.

The Badgers class is our toddler room with children aged 2-3, whilst all our other children are in our preschool room. Each group has its own indoor space with open access to our specially designed outside play areas and learning environments. Outdoor spaces are home to climbing equipment, a mud kitchen and a racetrack.


Stamford Nursery and Preschool has so much to offer little explorers.

Our outside classroom, extensive school grounds, sports fields and woodland area are all accessible for Nursery and Preschool children, along with the superb facilities at Stamford Junior School, including the private swimming pool.

Our Nursery and Preschool children can access swimming lessons along with Spanish classes and dance lessons from the Stamford based Welland School of Dance.

Our Ethos

We follow the Reggio Emilia approach which focuses on a child-centred, play-based style of learning where children are at the forefront of what we do.

Our in-the-moment planning means no two days are the same as the children bring their ideas and thoughts into Nursery and Preschool and we explore the subjects they want to follow.

Our Environment

Stamford Nursery and Preschool is located in the heart of the Junior School grounds.

We have a self-contained, purpose-built space with plenty of parking for easy drop off and pick up. All your child’s meals and snacks are prepared and devoured in our own kitchen-diner.

Outdoor spaces are home to climbing equipment, a mud kitchen and a racetrack. Outdoor Learning is run year round in our on-site outdoor classroom. Think woolly hats, wellies and making toast round the fire pit in winter; paddling in the shallow river in summer.

Our Uniform

Stamford Preschool's uniform includes a red polo t-shirt, a Stamford branded jumper and navy trousers or skirt.

The introduction of the uniform helps to foster a sense of belonging and prepares our children for the transition to Junior School.

Daily Routine

The Nursery School is open throughout the year from 07:45 to 18:00

7:45am - Doors Open

8:10am - Breakfast
This is a selection of cereals and fruit.

9:00am - Morning Session Begins
A mid-morning snack is included.

12:00 - Lunchtime
All Nursery meals are prepared and eaten on-site.

1:00pm - Afternoon Session
A mid-afternoon snack is included.

5:00pm - Afternoon Session finishes
Extended sessions are available until 6pm if needed.

5:10pm - Afternoon Tea
This is served for those children that stay on with us.

6:00pm - Doors Close

Seamless Transition

A cohesive approach ensures a seamless transition to Stamford Junior School

One of the many benefits of our Nursery and Preschool is the opportunity to progress into our Reception class at Stamford Junior School to continue your journey with us.

The educational foundations laid in the Nursery and Preschool are continued through into Reception class forming a cohesive Early Years department ensuring a seamless transition. Our Reception and Preschool teams meet regularly, as do the children, to make sure everyone is ready for moving up and the changing environment.

Specialist Subjects

Consistency is key to instilling a foundation of confidence.

Throughout the foundation years, we work hard to encourage a sense of belonging in each child, as we believe that this is crucial to creating engaged and active learners.

The specialist teachers used for subjects such as swimming and Spanish are kept consistent, providing security and familiarity for children.

Enquiry Form

Contact us and let us answer any questions you might have

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