Discover what Stamford has to offer this Spring!

Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Friday 2 May, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00

Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30


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Monday 22nd April 2024

Year 13 Lunch with Old Stamfordians

It was wonderful to welcome back so many of our Old Stamfordians from both Stamford School and Stamford High School on Wednesday 17 and Thursday 18 April, as they joined Year 13 students to speak about their futures and life after Stamford.

It was an extremely valuable opportunity for students to hear directly from OS about the career paths they have chosen to pick up some sector-specific tips and gain an insight into the OS community that they are soon to join.

Thank you to all who joined us and sharing your much-valued knowledge.


Visit our Old Stamfordian Community page, with information about all things OS.

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