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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Webinar - Your amazing child

Join our Junior School Deputy Head Academic, Samantha Weeks, as she discusses the importance of the early years of your child’s development and what steps you can take to support them.This webinar will explore the rapid nature of brain development in the first five years of a child’s life, and how the quality of each child’s experiences during these formative years will impact their future life outcomes. New research shows, however, that parents often don’t have easy access to the vital scientific findings that can help them to support their child’s development. Explore this research for yourselves by joining Early Childhood specialist, Samm Weeks, in this inaugural webinar, titled 'Your amazing child: Why the first five years are vital to your child’s future'.Samm will begin by presenting the current thinking in early years development, sharing key findings that you, as parents, can use to maximise your child’s life chances, followed by an interactive question and answer session with open discussion.We will be running two online webinar sessions:Thursday 11 March at 7pm - This webinar is open to Early Years Foundation Stage parents. To book your place, click here.Wednesday 17 March at 7pm - This webinar is open to everyone, including the general public. To book your place, click here.