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Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Friday 15th November 2019

Virtual Reality workshop inspires computational thinking

Nineteen Year 9 students from Stamford High School have been immersed within the world of virtual reality through a workshop designed to help them develop their computational thinking skills.minesweeper in classStudents were required to use their knowledge to problem solve within multiple gaming formats. A team Cluedo board game and individual games of Minesweeper were followed by paired sessions within the Play Station Four virtual reality game ‘Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes’. The latter game, which requires clear communication and problem-solving abilities, involves one student playing the ‘expert’ and another playing the ‘actor’. The actor is alone in a room with a ‘bomb’, and the experts have the manual needed to defuse it, the catch being that the experts cannot see the bomb, therefore requiring intense communication to beat the clock!Cluedo in classMatt Hearn, Head of Computing at Stamford Endowed Schools, said: “The workshop was designed to be a fun, engaging and immersive experience. The students actively tacked sets of complex problems given to them, by applying the computational thinking techniques they had been taught.”Playing with virtual reality