Thursday 21st January 2021

Virtual learning goes international

Sixth Form Russian students at SES have taken part in their first zoom call with a school from Moscow, Russia to practice their speaking skills.Students taking A Level Russian connected with 'Primakov Gymnasium' via a Zoom call last week. Students spoke in Russian and learned about the views of young Russians on topics such as the circus, music, dance and, inevitably, Covid-19. SES pupil, Asa, also entertained the group with a guitar performance.The calls began to encourage discussion to better understand Russian students' perspectives, views on cultural topics that are covered in the A Level syllabus and to gain the opportunity to to native speakers. This opportunity would usually arise with the Schools' annual trip to Russia, which sadly had to be postponed this year.Mrs Wray, Head of Russian at SES, said: “It was great to meet up with Mr Gloucester and his class in Moscow. We have been very disappointed that our annual exchange trip had to be cancelled and this meeting on zoom has helped our students to practice their speaking skills, and has brought to life the cultural topics that we are studying as part of the A Level syllabus, giving them a greater understanding from the perspective of young Russians – this will be really useful to them for their exams."We look forward to meeting up with Primakov again next half term."Thank you to Mr. Gloucester, who is a former Stamford School teacher currently teaching in Moscow, for connecting the two schools.To read more news from the Stamford Schools', please click here.why stamford banner