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Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 5 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Sixth Form Discovery Morning (Year 12 only)
Monday 10 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

To attend our Year 8 Options Evening on Thursday 9 January please contact our Admissions team.

Thursday 1st January 1970

Virtual Author Visit

Emma spoke about where she writes, her processes, her 2 little dogs who share her writing room and the interesting snacks she likes to eat whilst writing. The most exciting thing was that Emma read out the beginning of her new book which isn’t going to be published until much later this year, so the SHS students had a sneak peek. Students were then able to ask her questions for 30 minutes. They had some fantastic questions and lots of students had read Emma’s books before the talk which was fab.On Wednesday the 27th  April, the Year 7’s received an eye-opening virtual visit from the best-selling author Emma Carroll. During this talk, we acquired knowledge about the preparation and thought processes that are required to create a published book. We were all captivated by Emma Carroll’s inspiring phrases, and even got a small snippet of her up-and-coming blockbuster book (which will be released this Autumn). In amongst the eclectic mix of questions Y7 fired at her, we discovered Emma Carroll’s favourite writing snack - the intriguing sounding ‘marmite, peanut butter and cucumber on toast’. We were faintly disgusted at this suggestion and only a few volunteered to try this interesting combo! Subsequently, we received many great tips from Emma Carroll who said herself “Don’t rush yourself and enjoy the process!”We can’t wait to put her advice into practice!Georgia and Pearl 7LCG.