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Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 5 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Monday 10 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Tuesday 24th March 2020

Tips for studying from home

Due to government guidance on Covid-19, our Schools community have now found themselves studying from home for the coming months.We know it can be difficult to effectively keep on track with your schoolwork when studying from home for a prolonged period of time, therefore, we’ve put together a series of helpful tips on what you can do to make it easier.1. Work in a designated ‘Study Area’It can be incredibly easy to slip into the pattern of choosing to work from your bed, or the sofa, when studying from home and these comfy, reassuring environments only appeal to us even more when we are stressed! However, they aren’t the most effective places to work and can have negative implications down the line.Choose a place in your house, such as a desk, or the dining room table, where you can set up your workspace and work each day. Make sure that there is plenty of light and space, and that it’s free from distractions, such as the television or games consoles. When you have breaks throughout the day, make sure that you move away from this area, so that you only associate it with focused work.

So - day 1 in my loft classroom is complete. Thank you to all the boys who came to my rescue on live chat and taught me which buttons to press. 💪 #remoteteaching #Latinhasneverbeensocomputery

— Mrs C (@mrscolley21) March 23, 2020
2. Follow a routineIf you are having to stay at home for a prolonged period of time, it’s easy to fall out of your routine and lose track of time. We would recommend structuring your day just the same as you would any other school day, just without the bit where you travel to school!Give yourself study periods in the times when you would usually have lessons, and structure in breaks and lunch to reflect the school day as well.

@SpedeNews @PrincipalsDesk Just taught Year 12 (10 in total) about the conservative view of society. @MicrosoftTeams worked like a dream for our video conference. A special shout out to Natalie, who tuned in from quarantine in Hong Kong! Learning continues. #BusinessAsUsual

— David Tuck (@MrTuck2013) March 23, 2020
3. Get ready for the dayRemember that your personal hygiene and self-care regime should also follow your usual patterns. Avoid choosing to stay in your pyjamas all day, as this will discourage you from working, and instead get dressed and ready for the day. This will help the day feel more normal and encourage you to focus on the tasks you need to do.4. Avoid distractionsIt’s important to maintain a healthy study-life balance and ensure that you still do lots of the activities that you enjoy in your time at home. However, try to not get distracted by your mobile phone, the television or games consoles in the time you have chosen to work - instead, it’s good to structure time in for both activities throughout the day.5. Take regular breaksThe school day is set up with regular breaks throughout the morning for an important reason, so make sure that you also give yourself that time to rest and recuperate between study sessions. Even though you may feel that you can get more work done and finish your work more quickly if you do not have a break, it will result in you being more tired in the long run and therefore negatively impact the quality of both your work and your recreation time.6. Self-care It’s important to fuel your body and mind with the nutrients that it needs to thrive. Try to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, drink plenty of water and stay as physically active as you can whilst you are staying at home. You should also try to stick to a regular bedtime, and get up at a similar time each morning.

Our first entry is in from a student who has managed to find someone willing to act as a defender! Y13 England Hockey future star Eddie shows his 1v1 skills in a tight area! LOVE it. 👏🔥🏑 KEEP THEM COMING! @SpedeNews @Stamford_Head @PrincipalsDesk

— SS_PEdepartment (@SSPedepartment) March 23, 2020
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