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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Wednesday 12th May 2021

Theatre Thursdays: The Marriage of the Mislaid Minor

Our latest installment into our 'Theatre Thursdays' series features the SHS Years 10-11 production, melodrama “The Marvellous Mellow Melodrama of the Marriage of the Mislaid Minor".We hope you enjoy the trailer - below. To watch the full performance, please click here, and log in to Microsoft Stream with your school details.Set out to destroy his nemesis Major Kerslake, moustache-twirling villain Dirk Dastardly concocts a devilish plot to marry the major’s daughter, Penelope.When things don’t quite go his way, he kidnaps her and, with the help of his brainless sidekick, plans to tie her to the railway lines!Will gormless hero Gilroy save the day, will the bumbling police officers get in the way, or will Penelope step up and be the defender of her own fate?To watch our other Theatre Thursdays productions, please click here.The Arts