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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 2nd February 2023

Students Receive Offers from Cambridge University

Congratulations to the three Stamford students, Grace Dymond, Charlie Jessett and Marianna Tuleja, who received offers to study at Cambridge University in September 2023!

Charlie Jessett is off to study HSPS (Human, Social and Political Sciences), a combination of sociology, social anthropology, politics and international relations. “I was drawn to the course because I thoroughly enjoyed my combination of Politics and Economics at A-level and how interrelated all the social science subjects are. I feel that it enables you to hear an argument or a news story and correlate that to previous events, allowing you to understand the rationale and mentality behind lots of political and economic decisions.”

When asked how he felt to receive an offer, Charlie replied; “It’s both really exciting and nerve-racking and was a bit of a shock to the system as I applied almost as a joke, thinking I would never in a million years get in. It’s a lovely feeling and every time I think about it, it puts a smile on my face. I can confidently say though that I would never have reached this point without some brilliant teachers who have offered endless support through the process and in that sense, I feel very privileged and delighted that their input was not wasted.”

After university, Charlie plans to join the RAF and train to become a pilot, something he’s wanted to do from a young age.

Marianna Tuleja is lined up to study Natural Sciences. “My scientific interests are ever-changing, so I've not got any concrete plans. I've always been most excited by "crazy" concepts like cryogenics or the more extreme side of genetic modification, so maybe I'll have a part to play in something similar in the future. It'll allow me to have a more holistic understanding of the biological world in the context of the other sciences. Studying just one subject would leave me with an incomplete picture of how different processes and mechanisms function.”

She describes how she felt upon receiving her offer. “It came as a great surprise, since I thought I'd completely flunked one of my interviews. I'm delighted to have been accepted to such a prestigious and beautiful college, and excited at the prospect of learning directly from leading experts in the field. Now the pressure is on to meet the grade requirements!”

“A big thank you to my amazing mentor, Mr Porteus, and my close friends, who helped me make it through the application process!”

Grace Dymond is off to read Classics at Downing College, pre-empted by a year of studying Latin and Ancient Greek; “I’ve always been interested in the ancient world and am really excited to continue to learn about it in Cambridge. Getting into Cambridge means I’ll be able to learn Latin and Ancient Greek which will be a lot of work but also, hopefully, a lot of fun too.” Grace expressed her gratitude to her teachers here at Stamford; “I’m hugely grateful to all the teachers who helped me to gain my offer. I can’t wait to go to Cambridge after having worked for so long to get there - just have to get the grades now!”

Downing College, Cambridge