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Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Saturday 16th November 2019

Students inspire at EPQ Presentation Fair

Year 13 Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) students have been given the opportunity to display and discuss their work to their peers and staff in a presentation held at the Oswald Elliot Hall.EPQ presentation fairThe showcase exampled a broad and diverse range of independent research projects:One student produced their own 3D printed prosthetic design, alongside their research conclusions, to answer the question ‘To what extent can a body-powered, 3D-printed prosthetic be an effective alternative solution for upper-limb different people?’.Another student developed an engaging display, considering ‘Lego since 1932, but can it reach its 100th birthday?’, through involving the audience with Lego building and discussion to help viewers draw their own conclusions as to what they felt the Lego company should prioritise.A further student discussed ‘Who are the winners in Formula One? The driver and his technical skill, or the engineers, design and set-up of the car? Hence, was it Lewis Hamilton’s skill that enabled him to win his Sixth World Championship?’.presenting at the EPQ fairThe EPQ is an independent research project, taken up from Year 12. It requires students to compete either a minimum 5000-word academic report, or an artefact with a minimum 1000-word academic report. Work is marked to A Level standard, and pupils complete the qualification alongside their three A Level subjects.presenting projects at the EPQ fair