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Thursday 27th February 2020

Students enjoy AAAS Conference

A dozen students from the Sixth Form at the Stamford Endowed Schools recently travelled to Seattle for the AAAS Science Conference, providing them a chance to pursue their curiosities beyond the curriculum.


In addition to attending the American Association for the Advancement of Science’s (AAAS) Conference, the group engaged in a host of cultural activities, from watching an Ice Hockey Game, to visiting the Space Needle, Monorail, Zoo and Aquarium.


Students noted one of their highlights as a speech given by Bill Gates, considering his foundation and reduction of the malarial cases in Sub-Saharan Africa.


George B, Year 12 at Stamford School, said: “I would definitely recommend going on the AAAS conference science trip! Not only was there a wide variety of lectures on interesting topics, but I also had a great time going round Seattle. My favourite moment of the trip must have been either going to visit the Space Needle or looking around the Museum of Pop Culture."

 AAAS seattleAAAS seattle on the way outAAAS Meeting the University of Washington MascotSixth form attend AAAS ConferenceClick here to read more news from the Sixth Form.