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Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 5 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Sixth Form Discovery Morning (Year 12 only)
Monday 10 February, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Monday 16th March 2020

Students celebrate International Women's Day

Three Sixth Form students from Stamford High School celebrated International Women's Day at Peterborough Cathedral, with over 150 local people from business and educational backgrounds. Students had the opportunity to listen to inspiring and motivational speakers, and were involved in table top discussions and networking.Keynote speaker of the event was Claire Lomas, MBE, who attended Stamford High School, having left in 1998. Claire discussed her life changing journey, including all of the highs, lows, successes and challenges, leaving the audience truly inspired.Claire was left paralysed due to an accident, but has not let this stop her active lifestyle. She completed the London Marathon in 2012 in 17 days, using a pioneering robotic suit. She has since competed  in other marathons, and broke her personal best in 2018. Recently, Claire has become the first paralysed female in the UK to receive her motorbike race licence, and continues to fundraise to help find a cure for paralysis.International Women's DayInternational women's day is an annual global event, celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.The theme for 2020 was '#EachforEqual' and considered how challenging stereotypes, fighting bias, broadening perspectives and improving situations can be an active choice, allowing each one of us to help create a gender equal world.Below you can see our students striking the 'EachforEqual' post - to help motivate others and spread the word.For more information on this years International Women's Day campaign, please click here.International Women's DayFor more news from Stamford High School, please click here.