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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Saturday 17th October 2020

Student donations support foodbank

Students from across the Stamford Schools have celebrated the Harvest Festival through donating to the Stamford Foodbank, collecting over 17 boxes of foods and home supplies, equating to half a tonne of food (495kg).Foodbank donation 2020Charity Prefect, Sofia W, said: "As part of our role as charity prefects this year, we were given the task of gathering donations for the food bank. Crates were placed in form rooms and in the common rooms, and lists of the vital items needed were put up on surrounding notice boards."The students have managed to raise an outstanding amount of items for our local food banks - we are passionate about giving back to the community in any ways we can, and we are really proud of how much our students have managed to donate."Foodbank donation 2020Enjoy our chapel service from Stamford Junior School, celebrating the Harvest Festival, here.