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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 21st November 2019

Stamford Students qualify for cross-country county championships

Over twenty students from the Stamford Endowed Schools have qualified for the Lincolnshire county cross-country championships, which will be held at Burghley House in January.Students from across all years of the Schools raced at the county cross-country qualifiers at Belton House earlier this month. The course, mainly run over grass, was tackled in wet and muddy conditions. Students entered several races, dependent on age, with higher difficulty and longer distances being run as the age categories increased.Mrs Anne Millinson, Stamford High School coach, said: “Out of four intrepid teams from SHS, the Senior and Inter girls all qualified.  Great resilience was also shown by some of our junior girls, who all finished despite acquiring injuries.”Mr James Mitchell, Stamford School coach, said: “The students competed in proper cross-country conditions, with streams and puddles across the course. It was wet, windy and very challenging. All runners did brilliantly well, with so many qualifying for the next round.“A special mention must go to Riley Vines, Year 7, who won his race; Imogen Dee, who came second in the inter girls; and Sam Hughes, Year 11, who came second in his age category.“We wish the students the best of luck in the next round at Burghley House in the New Year!”