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Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Friday 24th September 2021

Stamford staff recognised at the 21st Design and Technology Association Excellence Awards

Staff at the Stamford Endowed Schools have been presented with an award at the 21st Design and Technology Association Excellence Awards.A team of staff and volunteers have been awarded the ‘Special award for Recognising Design and Technologies Social Impact’ for their outstanding contributions to the field throughout the pandemic.The Awards recognise the commitment and achievements of teachers, teacher trainers, education consultants and academics across primary and secondary schools and further and higher education.The Special award for Recognising Design and Technologies Social Impact was added this year, to recognise DT teachers across the UK, who contributed to the national shortage of personal protective equipment by turning their classrooms into production lines to produce PPE for those who needed it.Staff at the Stamford Schools manufactured and distributed over 12000 face masks over 22 days of manufacturing, which were distributed to over 172 locations around the UK. Over 130 iterations of face mask design led to the final product, and the designs were shared with hundreds of schools, and to locations around the world. Media interest peaked, with the team giving nine radio, and five television interviews.Nominated and voted for by peers in the education sector, the Design and Technology Association’s Excellence Awards is open to the 24,000-strong membership and non-members across England and Wales.Tony Ryan, Chief Executive of the Design and Technology Association, recognised their achievement, saying: “Stamford are to be congratulated on their well-deserved award and celebrated for going above and beyond what might be expected in their contributions to supporting the subject of design and technology.  We know that employers across the advanced manufacturing and creative industries are already concerned about the real shortage of engineers and designers, and we need more people like them to inspire future generations of young people.”For more news from the Stamford community, please click here.