Tuesday 24th November 2020

Stamford Soar in Balloon Debate

Students from Stamford School have taken part in a virtual balloon debate themed on scientific discovery, competing against thirteen other Schools nationally.Two scholars from Stamford, Reuben S (Year 7) and Charlie S (Year 8), enjoyed adopting famous scientific alter-egos for this years virtual balloon debate, which was hosted by Oundle School.14 schools took part with each student being allocated a famous scientist; Reuben spoke as Alexander Fleming and Charlie spoke as Vera Rubin.The theme of this years debate asked students to imagine that they were in a hot air balloon that was sinking over the ocean. Each speaker was given three minutes to persuade the audience that their scientific discoveries were the most important, and that they would be able to contribute the most to science if they were saved. Students also received talks on the importance of public speaking and debating, supplementing their scholarship programme.Mrs Leetch, Head of Debating at Stamford School, said: “Charlie and Reuben’s speeches were a great mix of character and content; they were composed and unflustered and had done some effective research. They coped really well with the slightly tricky environment of a virtual competition, where no-one is able to give a you a clap and you can’t see your audience!”.To read news from Stamford School, please click here.why stamford banner