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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 1st July 2021

Stamford Shortlisted for Independent Schools of the Year Awards 2021

We are delighted to announce that the Stamford Schools have been shortlisted for the Independent School Parent magazine's Independent Schools of the Year Awards 2021, in the Community Outreach (SES) , Girls' School of the Year (SHS) and Boys' School of the Year (SS) categories.The aim of the awards, now in their fourth year, is to highlight the excellence of student experience in independent schools.The community outreach award recognises schools that have been making decisive and positive contributions to their local communities over the past, challenging year. The Girls' School of the Year and Boys' School of the Year Awards recognise all-girls’ and all boys' senior schools which offer an outstandingly rich experience for their students.To read the full shortlist for the awards, please click here.For more news from the Stamford Schools' Community, please click here.Community banner