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Sixth Form Discovery Morning
Friday 2 May, 09:45 – 11:30

Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 13 May, 10:00 – 12:00

Senior School Discovery Morning
Wednesday 14 May, 09:45 – 11:30


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Thursday 25th January 2024

Stamford Schools Finalist In Fundraising Award

Stamford Schools is pleased to be a finalist in the Donorfy Awards for our relaunch of the Stamford Card. The awards, which recognise inspirational fundraisers, is run by Donorfy a unique and sophisticated platform used by charities to assist with fundraising campaigns. The winner of the Fundraising Campaign Award will be chosen by both online votes (closing on 5th March 2024) and attendees at the Donorfy Together Conference on 7th March 2024.

The campaign with the highest overall votes will win, earning a £500 donation towards the charity, vote here: Donorfy Awards - The Vote

What Donorfy say about The Stamford Card:

“The Stamford Card, managed by Stamford Endowed Schools, fosters community collaboration by providing exclusive benefits at local businesses to cardholders who pay a £10 fee.

All proceeds are dedicated to student bursaries and, as of December 2023, the initiative boasts 233 cardholders. The funds raised over the last 12 months has raised nearly £28,000, paying for three transformational bursaries for students who would otherwise be unable to benefit from an education at the schools. We also love the innovative approach of engaging the local, independent business community to support a local cause, while also supporting and promoting those businesses. They leveraged the full potential of Donorfy, utilising various features and integrations to streamline sign-ups, manage finances, monitor card expirations, and personalise supporter communications.”

The Stamford Card

Learn more about The Stamford Card and what it has to offer

Sign up

Sign up to The Stamford Card now!