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Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Friday 31st January 2020

Stamford School through to Regional Final of ESU Schools’ Mace

Stamford School’s Sixth Form Debating Team have successfully competed in the second round of the English-Speaking Union Schools’ Debating Mace; allowing them to compete in the regional finals later in February.The team, comprised of Oliver Fraser, Harry Laventure, Year 12, and Ryan Spall, Y13, debated the topic ‘this House regrets the commercialisation of Pride’ against SHS, The Becket School and Loughborough Grammar School.Karen Leetch, Stamford School Debating Coach, said: “The team prepared well for a difficult motion and worked well as a team in the new ESU format; the ESU adjudicator praised them for their excellent delivery, clear arguments and high standard of rebuttal - all key factors in a successful team”.Read about the previous round.