Monday 30th November 2020
Stamford School become WorldWise Quiz Champions
A team of boys from Stamford School have become South Lincolnshire WorldWise Quiz Champions 2020, competing in the first virtual version of the competition.Stamford School's Year 10 team narrowly beat Uppingham School by two points to finish first, with a score of 96 points.Four Schools competed, entering two teams each into the competition, which is usually held at Stamford School; this year having moved online to allow the quiz to still take place. All teams competed through Microsoft Teams using webcams.Eight rounds were played covering 'all things geographical', from alphabet rounds and spotting the outlines of countries, to UK geography and recognising distinctive physical features and landmarks around the globe.The virtual format, using Microsoft Teams, proved beneficial for many rounds where teams received instant feedback, rather than needing to wait for teachers to mark the material.
Mr Morris, WorldWise Quiz Coordinator, said: “This was never going to be quite the same as a physical quiz and the atmosphere that comes with it. However, all participants enjoyed having that long sought after competition and ability to compete, in whatever format. A big thanks to all students and schools, Oundle, Uppingham, Stamford High and Stamford School. We look forward to seeing all of you next year, in person, hopefully!”Well done to Stamford School teams from Year 11; Sam B, Ben F-J and James L, and Year 10; Alex L, Laith H and Henry A, and to Stamford High School Teams; Sophie F, Annabel D and Anna B; Ruby S, Olga K and Harriet S, and Hannah W, Tabby F and Emilia N.For more Geography news from the Stamford Schools, please click