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Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Wednesday 16th October 2019

Stamford Junior School pupils ‘sound out’ new game

Year 4 pupils at Stamford Junior School had a special guest visit their Science lessons, whilst learning about the physics of sound. Mr Steve Hunt, a parent of pupils at SJS, came in to share his lifelong passion for STEM and to tell the pupils all about his successful game called ‘Beat Hazard’.Developed by Steve through his company, Cold Beam Games, ‘Beat Hazard’ works to interact with the players music choices, enhancing and altering each level to create unique challengers to battle. Within their science lessons, as the children took turns to play the game, they were able to figure out which waves displayed showed pitch, and which showed volume. The pupils then began to display their creativity, dreaming up new potential game concepts, following simple steps just like Mr Hunt had done in his initial development phase.Mrs Helen Britton, a Key Stage Two teacher at SJS, commented: “We had a thoroughly enjoyable science lesson with Steve. The pupils were really inspired about how they can apply their coding skills and creative minds to becoming science entrepreneurs in the future."