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Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 18th August 2022

Stamford Endowed Schools students set for the future

Students from the Stamford Endowed Schools have a long history of rising to the challenges ahead, showing independence of mind and readiness for the future. Today epitomises this with students at the Stamford Endowed Schools once again celebrating strong A level examination results.

Overall, 194 SES Y13 students took A levels or equivalent this summer in 33 subjects, with 88.8% achieving grades of A-C.  41 students achieved at least three As or the equivalent with four students achieving straight A* or equivalent. 41.5% of the overall entries were graded at A*/A, and 15.2% at A*.

Sixth Form Students celebrating their results

Millie, Eva, Imogen & Maddie are all smiles on results day

Principal Will Phelan said: “Nationally, this year’s cohort of students has suffered probably more uncertainty and upheaval than any other in the last 80 years in their journey towards A levels. Our Stamfordians have worked incredibly hard, whether in school or during those periods learning from home, and have acquitted themselves brilliantly taking on their A levels without any previous formal examination experience. It is a testament to them and their incredibly diligent and talented teachers who have helped and supported them to this tremendous success.  We are all delighted  and incredibly proud that they have not just survived but thrived in this challenge. We will look forward to following their next steps as they move on to university, travelling, and all of the other adventures that await them in their next great chapter.”

Vicky Buckman, Head of Stamford High School, commented, “I am thrilled for all our SHS students; the last two years have been very difficult and they have really shown how tenacious and determined they are.  We wish them well as they head off to the next part of their educational journey.”

Nick Davies, Interim Head of Stamford School, added; “These grades are a testament to the many hours of work that our students have put in, over the last two years, to prepare themselves for these examinations. When one considers the nation-wide disruption that education has undergone throughout the pandemic, this cohort, the first to take public examinations since 2019,  should be exceptionally proud with this news. I know that all their teachers, who have done so much to support this year group, including the move to online teaching in the spring of 2021, also feel very proud of what the students have achieved today.”

Howard and family

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