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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 2nd July 2020

SHS rise to chocolate themed challenge

Students and staff from Stamford High School have participated in a virtual 'Bake-off' style house competition - with a chocolate theme, baking creative and inspired cake designs.Sadly for the judges, a taste test could not be completed as part of the judging criteria, however the creativity and aesthetics of the bakes were assessed by the Head's of house, who sent their three winners to the Senior Leadership Team to have the final say. The staff entries were judged by our Year 13 House Prefects.Please enjoy the images of the winning cakes from Cavell House below.Gabrielle Brimley, Year 13, made sheep themed cupcakes:Evie Armes, Year 12 and Ada Armes, Year 8, have created a 'lockdown' themed toilet roll rainbow cake:And our final student winner is Amy Rule, Year 10. who has created an incredible chocolate cake with chocolate shards and fresh fruit decorations. Year 13 House Prefects judged Mrs Wilsons rainbow cake as the winning staff entry:Explore more entries to our virtual House competitions,  here.