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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Wednesday 4th March 2020

SES Switch to Ocean Hero

A Year 6 pupil at Stamford Junior School has recently embraced his passion for bringing about environmental change, through encouraging the Stamford Endowed Schools to switch search engine to the plastic saving initiative ‘Ocean Hero’.With the pupil having emailed key senior leaders at the Schools, Mr Slocombe, Director of IT, has made Ocean Hero the Schools default web browser. Crucially, every five clicks through this search function pays for a plastic bottle to be removed from the ocean. To read more about Ocean Hero, please click here.Rory has created the video below to explain the importance of Ocean Hero.[embed][/embed]This initiative is in addition to Stamford Junior School’s pupil led ‘Eco Warriors’ group; formed by pupils in Year 4, out of their passions for reducing climate change and environmental damage.Currently, the group are auditing Stamford Junior School’s plastic use. In June they will be leading ‘Eco Week’, in line with ‘World Environment Day’, where the focus this year surrounds ‘natural solutions to climate change’. Alongside various outdoor activities, and Artist in Residence will be joining the School to help create protest art with the pupils.To read more news from Stamford Junior School, click here.