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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 3rd February 2022

Scholars visit Cambridge

A group of 35 Year 11 students have visited Christ’s College, Cambridge as part of a long-standing connection with the college. The aim of the visit was to introduce students to the concept of university life and encourage them to think about A Level choices.The students, all academic, all-rounder or aspiring scholars, enjoyed lunch in the college buttery, followed by a tour of the college with current undergraduates. The students were amazed by the size of the college, which was like a Tardis of ancient and cutting-edge architecture and full of green spaces. The guides were animated and informative, telling the students all about college life – from supervisions, lectures and workload to rowing, choral societies and May Ball organisation.Later in the afternoon, the students took part in a question-and-answer session with the college admissions and outreach officer Ellie and a group of current undergraduates, all from different disciplines. Ellie provided a really useful and comprehensive introduction to universities, including Cambridge and its unique features, how to choose a course, how to apply to Cambridge and advice on A Level choices and subject combinations. The undergraduates, including Robin Queiros (OS 2020) who is studying HSPS at Christ’s, ended the afternoon by fielding a wide range of questions from the students.Karen Leetch, Head of Scholars at Stamford School, commented: “Christ’s College has always been very welcoming and we are so fortunate to have been able maintain our links with the college. This year’s visit was particularly useful for the students as a springboard to thinking about A Level choices and looking ahead to the future.”For more news on scholars please click here.Banner 2021 - Stamford Schools