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Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Friday 8th April 2022

Rutland Osprey Project Talks At SHS

Year 7 students at the Stamford High School have enjoyed a talk about the Rutland Osprey Project. Many of the students took up the fantastic opportunity to become 'Osprey Ambassadors', in which they become the link between the charity's work and the Schools.The Rutland Osprey Project is a charity that strives to ensure the safe return of ospreys back into the UK and Rutland. You can read more about them here. Ken Davies, from the Osprey Project, taught students about the history of the osprey in the UK and how humans hunted the osprey to local extinction.The Osprey Project has since reintroduced ospreys into the Rutland water area in 1996 in the hopes to become a permanent home for the new ospreys.It wasn't until 2001 the first osprey chick was hatched in Rutland, the first in England for 150 years. Now they have had over 200 chicks bred in Rutland.Thank you Ken for speaking to us about the Osprey Project. We cant wait to hear more news and updates from the new Ambassadors.[gallery size="large" ids="|,|,|"]Banner 2021 - Community