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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 19th January 2023

Rotary Competition Successes

We are proud to announce that several Stamford students have received awards from the Stamford Rotary Club for their entries to various competitions.

Effie L, Stamford Junior School student, won first place in the Young Writer Competition, with her poem titled ‘Peace’:

This year’s Young Artist Competition, with the theme ‘Sunrise, Sunset’, saw two Stamfordian winners. Olivia S of Stamford High School was this year’s senior winner and Freya S of Stamford Junior School was the intermediate winner. A huge congratulations must also be awarded to Anna S, for placing 2nd overall at the National Stage of last year’s Young Artist Competition, themed 'Colours of Nature'.

Winning artwork by Olivia S (SHS) and Freya S (SJS)

Anna S with her trophy and her entry for the Young Artist 2022 competition

The Rotary Young Chef Competition, which involves cooking a two-course meal for two within 90 minutes, also saw a Stamford High School winner, with Darcy W-G placing first out of nine entrants, and Kate H-S coming second.

Judges tasting the meal prepared by Darcy W-G

Darcy W-G (L) and Kate H-S (R) with Rotary members

Congratulations to all of the dedicated students who committed time and thought to their entries, and thank you to the Stamford Rotary Club for their continued support of our students.

Pictured at beginning are Effie L and Freya S, Stamford Junior School students