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Junior School Discovery Morning
Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 10th February 2022

Rotary Art Competition Winners

The Stamford Schools have seen success in the Rotary Art Competition local rounds.Students from the Stamford Schools entered the Young Artist Rotary Art Competition with work associated around the theme 'colours of nature'.We had five winners from Stamford High School and a winner from Stamford School.Fin H (Y9) won 1st place (intermediate class), Anna S (Y11) won 2nd place (senior class), Immy S (Y10) won 3rd place (senior class), Maliha M (Y9) wont 1st place (intermediate class), Olivia S (Y9) won 2nd place (intermediate class) and Ellie R (Y9) won 3rd place (intermediate class).A huge congratulations for our winners and everyone who entered!  [gallery size="medium" ids="|,|,|"][gallery size="medium" ids="|,|,|"]Rotary art competitionFor more news considering art at the Schools, please click here.Banner 2021 - Stamford Schools