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Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 1st January 1970

Recycling Bins, Crisp Packets and Batteries

Pupils on the Eco Council at Stamford Junior School implement a new recycling strategy.The Eco Council (made up of pupils from Year 1-6) arranged to meet with Facilities Manager, Mr Smith.In this meeting, they learned how the School currently collects waste. Based on their conclusions, the pupils made requests to improve recycling at SJS.New recycling bins are to be expected in classrooms, which will be labelled correctly. The Eco Council will be educating each class, as one wrong item can mean the whole lot can’t be recycled.They have requested a battery bin be placed centrally within the school (the Science room), so all year groups can easily drop off their used batteries.The Eco Council have also decided to support the TerraCycle UK 'Crisp Packet Recycling Scheme'.This scheme collects crisp packets, separates them into plastic types, cleans them and extrudes into plastic pellets to make new recycled products.The pupils have reused photocopier boxes and delivered them to each classroom to collect crisp packets after break time.Teaching Assistant, Cheryl Germany drops the boxes off at Sowden Wallis in Stamford, who then take them to Stamford's central crisp packet recycling collection point. They then finally end up at TerraCycle.Mrs Lewis, teacher of KS2 says: “the Eco Council are really picking up momentum and they are enjoying working with the staff in charge of facilities to make real change happen. The children are starting to take control and are enjoying having their say.”