Monday 29th March 2021

Pi Day Celebrations

Students at Stamford High School celebrated Pi Day with a house competition, where they baked or designed caked with a mathematical theme.Pi Day is an annual celebration of the mathematical constant π, celebrated on March 14 since 3, 1, and 4 are the first three significant digits of π.Please enjoy photos of some of their bakes and ideas below:Anderson: [gallery link="none" size="medium" ids="|Alex W (Y7),|Alexandra S (Y11),|Eleanor C (Y7),|Elsbeth R (Y7),|Flora B (Y11),|Georgia E E (Y7),|Nicole E E (Y7)"]Eliot: [gallery link="none" size="medium" ids="|Evie H (Y8),|Harriet S (Y9),|Matilda F (Y7)"]Beale: [gallery link="none" size="medium" ids="|Olivia T (Y7),|Elyse C-C and Arianne B (Y8),|Emily T (Y7),|Maribel L (Y7),|Clara S (Y8),|Mimi H (Y7)"]Cavell: [gallery link="none" size="medium" ids="|Ava V and Cecilia J (Y8),|Brooke F (Y11),|Ellen B (Y12),|Hannah S (Y11),|Honey F (Y7),|Isabel P H (Y8),|Louisa J (Y12),|Mrs Carter,|Poppy F (Y13),|Yemi M (Y8)"] Well done to all students for their creative entries to the competition.For more news from Stamford High School, please click here.why stamford banner