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Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Tuesday 11th February 2020

OS, Nick McCarthy, unveils the history of Stamford School Headmaster

Below is an excerpt from a report, written by Old Stamfordian Nick McCarthy, regarding the life of Edward Coulson Musson, Headmaster of Stamford School (1874-1880)."At a meeting of the Governors on 2 May 1874, Edward was appointed headmaster of Browne’s School, Stamford and formally took up his appointment at the end of July.The chief impression of Edward made upon a new boy who entered the School in 1876 was that of his forked beard, or his “two beards” as they were called. Edward was also a man said to inspire fear, and instilled Latin into his pupils by frequent application of the cane.One of Edward’s most famous pupils was Alfred C Harmsworth, afterwards Lord Northcliffe, founder of The Daily Mail. Harmworth’s time at Stamford however does not seem to have been a happy one and indeed, he suffered his full share of corporal punishment under Edward. So unmerciful was Edward in his beatings to Harmworth, that years later, Edward tried to get an appointment elsewhere necessitating Harmsworth’s influence, but he never forgave the thrashing he received and would not use his influence to help.Edward resigned from his position at Stamford in 1880 and was subsequently appointed Headmaster at Ashford Grammar School, Kent on 5 October, a role he would remain in for the next four years."