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Junior School Discovery Morning

Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

Friday 29th September 2023

Old Stamfordian Recital

On Wednesday 27 September, this year’s concert season got underway with a fabulous piano recital given by Old Stamfordian, Sam Rudd-Jones (OS 18).

Since leaving Stamford, Sam has enjoyed considerable success as a composer and pianist. Having graduated from Cambridge University where he read music, Sam completed an MPhil, also at Cambridge, and now teaches harmony, counterpoint and musicianship to undergraduate students there. He was the winner of the BBC Proms Inspire Composition Competition and has had works performed by the Aurora Orchestra and members of the BBC Symphony Orchestra, both broadcast on Radio 3.

At his recital, which was fantastically received by the audience, Sam gave a scintillating performance of works by Beethoven, Liszt, Ravel, and his own composition, ‘Jeux d’eau’.

Duncan McIlrae, Head of Music at the Schools, commented: ‘As a pupil at Stamford, Sam oozed creativity and was always happy to experiment with composition. We thank him for sharing his music, his passion and his life with us and we look forward to his bright future’.

For information about future events at Stamford, please see our calendar. Tickets can be booked through our Box Office.


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