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Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Saturday 7th July 2018

Old Stamfordian Legal Network hold Informal Event

OS lawyers, male and female, trainee and partner, recently met for summer drinks at The Ship Tavern, off Lincoln's Inn Fields, at the heart of London's legal district, and haunted by lawyers for centuries.  On a balmy summer's evening, cold drinks of various kinds were enjoyed, anecdotes were shared, and advice and tips were exchanged.All Stamford legal eagles, beagles or paralegals, and particularly those just out of the Schools and at the beginning of their careers, are welcome to join us at future events, which are mainly friendly and informal get-togethers.Another meeting will be arranged in central London towards the end of the year so watch this space.If you are not already on the Stamfordian Legal Network, or think you may have fallen off because of GDPR issues, please contact Sarah Mahoney: