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Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Wednesday 9th February 2022

Old Stamfordian Becomes Local Bookshop Bestseller

Old Stamfordian, Will Hetherington (OS 95), author to the book series "Will's Walks" has been announced as Stamford and Oakham's Walkers bookshop Christmas bestseller.Over the Christmas holiday Will's second volume in the series has stormed the Christmas top sellers in and around the local area. Will decided to create a follow up due to the resounding success of the first book. The books were a natural step from years of articles in 'active magazine' and many requests to collate his walks into one guide."Will's Walks" covers 21 walking routes around Stamford and Rutland. For ease of accessibility for both new walkers and those less mobile, the book is split into 3 categories: up to four miles, between four and six miles, and six miles plus.Walking has taken an important place in Will's life. Will said that he started to take up walking as a way to fill the 'active' gap created after he stopped playing rugby. He described that as he got older, rugby's toll on the body grew, but he still craved that active release. Will said "as funny as it sounds, walking is the new rugby for me".Will commented how surprised he was on the success of the series, with it being 10 times as popular as he expected. The books not only highlight great walks in the area but attract support to all things local, including the small shops and pubs along the routes. more news from the Old Stamfordian community at the Schools, please click here.Banner 2021 - Community