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Tuesday 25 February, 10:00 – 12:00

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Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Thursday 29th October 2020

Old Stamfordian Annabel Britton opens Sustainable Store in Stamford

Old Stamfordian, Annabel Britton, has recently opened the All Good Market, providing a more sustainable and ethical way to shop for the local Stamford community.The store stocks a whole range of produce, from cereal and coffee beans to cordial made from surplus fruit. It even features a pick and mix style section, where customers can bring in their own containers and purchase products such as rice, pasta and sugar, without the packaging, and in the quantity that they need.All Good MarketAfter leaving the Stamford Schools, Annabel studied French and Portuguese at the University of Edinburgh, moving to Paris soon afterwards for work. Here, she enjoyed visiting and using the local zero waste shops that have been springing up around the city.Annabel returned to England for lock down. During this time, Annabel said that her parents chose to avoid the supermarkets and shop in smaller local shops for their food, such as butchers, farm shops and bakeries. However, Annabel noticed that there was nowhere local to collect store cupboard ingredients without going into a supermarket. This, alongside her time in Paris,  provided significant inspiration for the 'All Good Market'.All Good MarketAnnabel discussed that she takes many factors into account when choosing her produce, with climate change and sustainability at the forefront of her mind.  She said "focusing solely on plastic can be a bit counterproductive.  Plastic reduction is important but there are so many different things to consider, such as biodiversity, soil health, food miles and  CO2 emissions, so I have tried to take quite a holistic approach. This is why there are a lot of things in here that are organic, packaging free and local."My strap line is 'Zero Waste with a Local Taste’; when you buy from the All Good Market, whilst you are of course supporting me and my business, you are also supporting the local producers that I stock, so it's going that one step further."Annabel has great hopes for the store, and plans to soon stock local fruit and veg, alcohol, and "as much sustainable produce that she can fit in the shop!"  In the future, she hopes to introduce a click and collect service and deliveries using bikes and electric vans.All Good MarketWe wish you the very best of luck Annabel with your new shop. Make sure to pay a visit to the All Good Market, located on  St Paul's Street, Stamford.For more news from our Alumni, please click here.Alumni banner