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Experience Stamford
Friday 14 March, 09:00 – 12:30

Tuesday 6th February 2018

Modern Foreign Languages Day at SJS

Pupils from across the Junior School came together to learn about the language and culture of Russia on Modern Foreign Languages Day. Dressed either in the colours of the Russian flag or in a Russian style, each year group discovered something different about Russia. The day was supported by the senior Schools, students studying Russian presented talks on Russia and the Russian language as well as helping out in the class-based activities.At the end of the day, the school came together for a sharing assembly, where the pupils were able to admire all the work completed by other year groups. Models of St Basil’s Cathedral, Sputnik and the Bolshoy Theatre had been made, Polka's performed and many artworks created in the styles of some of Russias most famous artists created.